If buying pigs from one source with no commingling the breeder’s vaccination program can augment this protocol.

 If buying pigs from multiple farms, through an online sale (with commingling during transport) or from live sales ignore any prior vaccinations and do the entire program.

On Arrival:

1.     Broad spectrum antibiotic

2.     First three days after arrival TruePurple with one ounce per quart Provilli

3.     Day 3: 3Flex Mycoflex, Circoflex, BI PRRS

4.     Day 7: FluSure ErBac Plus and Porcilis

5.     Day: 24: Repeat Mycoflex and Circoflex

6.     Day 28: Repeat Flusure XP

The links for the vaccines are current at the time of this writing and are all for JRG Supply. We are customers of JRG but we do not have any other business relationship with them. The links are merely for your convenience.

If you would like to download the vaccine program as a document this is the link.